Obsah Chronológia Registre Vyhµadávanie Diskusia Správa |
Dewey, j. - zoznam diel
The Study of Ethics, 1894 The School and Society, 1900 Studies in Logical Theory, 1903 Ethics, 1908 The Influence of Darwin on Philosophy, 1910 Democracy and Education, 1916 Essays in Experimental Logic, 1916 Reconstruction in Philosophy, 1920 Human Nature and Conduct, 1922 Experience and Nature, 1925 The Quest for Certainty, 1929 Philosopy and Civilization, 1931 Art as Experience, 1934 A Common Faith, 1934 Logic: The Theory of Inquiry, 1938 Theory of Valuation, 1939 Intelligence in the Modern World (výber vyd. J. Ratner), 1939 Problems of Men, 1946 Knowing and Known (spolu s A. F. Bentleym), 1949 The Child and the Curriculum (spolu so School and Society), 1956